What Is The Best Paint To Use Inside Kitchen Cabinets. Thankfully, if you break your search down into individual categories, it can become a lot easier to work out which ones are actually worth your time. Oil-based paint is no longer the best paint for cabinets, just as it's no longer suitable for residential applications.
Many professionals now use latex paint, citing the improvements to the formula and the as-good-as finish they can get on most surfaces.
In this kitchen design, the less bright impression is also supported by the use of light gray kitchen island instead of a kitchen island with the same color with the white cabinets.
Professional painters like the way the paint smooths itself as it sets and the hard, washable, furniture-grade finish it provides. A gloss finish will make your cabinets sheen, but it may show a lot of dings or mistakes. This professional-grade paint is great for trim, cabinets, and other accents, especially because its high-gloss finish easily wipes clean and keeps its shine, even after being washed multiple times.